Pawns Capture Kings
by Taksa
Q. Can Pawn take on king (ie) can king be made check by pawn?
A. Hi Taksa, no piece can actually take the King but the pawn can certainly attack an enemy King just like any other piece, checking him, taking part in mating attacks and indeed delivering mate. There are few more terrifying sights on a chess board than a rolling pawn mass in full flight. Some of the best checkmates in the history of chess have been delivered by pawns. Some of the most exciting games have featured pawn storms on the King's stronghold. Let me show what I mean with a spectacular example of a
pawn storm, pawn check and pawn delivering mate in the same game. Some great sacrificial play thrown in as well.
King Moves Without Check
by Sanjay Diarsa
Q. Can the king move without being given a check at any time?
A. Yes the king can move at any stage of the game when a legal move is available. It is not required that the king is in check or that he had been in check earlier.
Just like the queen, the king can move straight in any direction or diagonally in any direction. The queen has maximum range and can move to one side of the board to the other in one move provided her path isn't blocked.
But the king can only move one square at a time, he has minimum range. Because of this extreme lack of mobility the king usually tends to spend much of the game tucked away in a corner where the enemy has difficulty reaching him.
You can find everything you need to know about this on the
king moves page.