Not updating the scoresheet penalty
by Faisel
(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
I participated in a classic tournament with FIDE rules. My opponent was behind on the clock so he wasn't writing the moves down. I asked the arbiter if that was a violation, but he gave my opponent my scoresheet to update his, this happened during his time of course. This incident occurred 3 times, my opponent had less than a minute, but he was missing 2 moves on his score sheet. The arbiter asked us to continue and ignore the missing moves. My opponent checkmated me, then the arbiter gave my opponent a new scoresheet and asked him to write down all the moves, using my scoresheet. We found out that he did not record 3 moves even after notifying him twice. The arbiter told me there's no penalty in the FIDE rules for my opponent's violations.
One more thing, my opponent wrote down a move before playing it, but scribbled it out and played a different move. I notified the arbiter of that as well.
My opponent was not given any penalty. He won the game.